For iOS


  1. Imitating Aroma Shooter 2 (black) on BLE (Wifi and USB are not available now)

  2. Setting language, serial number, and cartridges

  3. Browsing Aromajoin's latest aroma cartridges library


  • iOS devices: iPhones or iPads

  • iOS version: 12.4 or newer

※ For haptic feedbacks: iPhone 7 or newer


Search for the app "AS Simulator" in AppStore or from here:


Main Screen

① USB Type-C cable: as real Aroma Shooters, drag this cable to plug it in the outlet ➂ to turn the device ON.

② Serial number of the simulator. It can be changed in Settings screen. This number is also broadcasted as the simulator's name via BLE.

➂ Power outlet.

➃ Power LED is lighted up when the device is turned ON, and lighted down when the device is turned OFF.

⑤ Diffusion LEDs are lighted up according to the diffusing on channels just as real devices.

※When diffusing, if speaker of the iOS device is active, sound is played as well.

※If haptic feedback is available, there would be a feedback when the cable is plugged in or out.

Settings Screen

① Save button

② Cartridge settings: When one of the cartridge labels is touched, the app will navigate to the "cartridge library screen". There the cartridge of the channel that was touched can be setup.

➂ Language setting

➃ Serial number of the simulator can be set here.

Cartridge Library Screen

① The scroll view showing cartridges in Aromajoin's library. It is updated to the public library on the homepage.

② Images illustrating cartridges. Touching an images selects its corresponding cartridge.

➂ Information of the currently selected cartridge.

Last updated